Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Review - HR 2670 Reported in House – FY 2024 NDAA

Last month the House Armed Services Committee completed their work on HR 2670, the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2024. The amended version of the bill was ordered reported favorably by a strongly bipartisan vote of 58 to 1. The Committee also published their Report on the bill. Cyber warfare provisions abound in the bill (in Title XV, Cyberspace-Related Matters, in particular), but there are five cybersecurity related sections, and four cybersecurity mentions in passing in the bill. Additional cybersecurity discussions are found in the Committee Report.

Moving Forward

This is one of the ‘must pass’ bills that Congress takes up every year. Even in this highly polarized session, the House Armed Services Committee has managed to produce a bipartisan consensus around this bill and report. There is only one relatively minor issue raised in the ‘Additional Views’ (pg 632) portion of the Report.

It looks like the House will take up this bill sometime next week. The House Rules Committee called for proposed amendments for this bill with a deadline of June 30th. No meeting date is currently listed, but I expect that the meeting will most likely take place on Tuesday, July 11th, the first day the House is back in session. To date 1426 amendments have been proposed by members and I expect more to slide in this week. Seventeen of those current amendments deal with cyber issues, but we will have to wait and see which ones make to the floor for consideration.


For more details about the cybersecurity provisions of this bill, see my article at CFSN Detailed Analysis - https://patrickcoyle.substack.com/p/hr-2670-reported-in-house-fy-2024 - subscription required.

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