Wednesday, June 16, 2021

S 658 Reported in Senate - National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium Act of 2021

Yesterday, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee published their report on S 658, the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium Act of 2021. The Committee met on March 17th, 2021, and ordered the bill reported as introduced by a voice vote.

An important point is made in this report (pg 2):

“As a means to address these challenges, DHS has partnered since 2004 with the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium (NCPC), an organization of five university partners that ‘‘provide research-based, cybersecurity-related training, exercises and technical assistance to local jurisdictions, counties, states and the private sector.’’ As of October 2020, NCPC members have trained more than 107,861 participants on topics such as cyberterrorism, critical infrastructure protection, and malware prevention. By leveraging the expertise of a consortium, DHS can better ensure that its partners in the private sector and state and local governments are prepared to assist the Federal Government in its efforts to combat cyber threats. S. 658 codifies an existing DHS practice and helps strengthen DHS’s efforts to partner with the private sector and academia to secure our nation’s cyber infrastructure.

In other words, passing this bill will have no new material effect on the cybersecurity situation in the country. But Congress will claim credit for doing something.

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