Saturday, May 26, 2018

House Passes HR 5515 – FY 2019 NDAA

On Thursday the House passed HR 5515, the FY 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by a bipartisan vote of 351-66 (7 Republicans voted Nay). On Wednesday the House passed the Coast Guard Authorization Act amendment (amendment #52) to the bill as part of en bloc amendment #1 by a voice vote.

The Senate Armed Services Committee completed work on their version of the NDAA this week and will have a bill to introduce the week after next when Congress returns from its extended Memorial Day Weekend. That bill will move to the Senate floor in the coming weeks for a contentious amendment process. Once it is passed (probably before the summer recess) it will go to a conference committee to work out the differences. Both of the amendments that I have covered here will likely make it into the final bill.

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