Saturday, August 12, 2017

Bills Introduced – 08-11-17

Both the House and Senate met in pro forma session yesterday and there were 5 bills introduced. None of those bills were of specific interest to readers of this blog.

The reason that I am making this post today is to bring attention to a little known process in the House; during these pro forma sessions, it is possible to pass legislation. Yesterday two bills were passed, HR 2288 and HR 339. Both of these bills had previously passed in the House, but were amended in the Senate. For whatever reason, the House Leadership determined that it was necessary to pass the bills now while the vast majority of House members were back in their district.

Rep. Comstock (R,VA) asked for unanimous consent for both bills to be considered under the unanimous consent process (a single Nay sounded in the chamber would have killed either bill). The amended versions of both bills were adopted without any objection from the unnamed Democrat that was probably the only other elected representative {besides the presiding acting Speaker Pro Tempore, Rep. Perry (R,PA)}  on the floor of the House chamber.

Now there is nothing untoward or sneaky about Friday’s proceeding. Both bills originally passed with overwhelming support (unanimous vote for HR 2288 and a voice vote for HR 339) in the House and by unanimous consent in the Senate. But it does remind us that even in the dead days of summer in the Capital, legislative action is possible.

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