Saturday, August 24, 2024

2024 Chemical Sector Seminar Presentations Online

CISA has updated their ‘Chemical Security Summit’ web page to include a link to a new page that provides .pdf copies of some of the presentations from last month’s 2024 Chemical Security Seminars. That page includes the following presentations:

Drone Policy and Impacts to Critical Infrastructure,

The Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on Chemical Security,

Response Strategies for Hazardous Chemical Incidents,

State of Chemical Security, and

"Wicked Problems" in Chemical Security

As always, these static presentations provide a great deal of interesting information, but a great deal of the information that was included in the live/virtual presentation is missing from these slides. Hopefully, we will be seeing links to copies of the live-streamed presentations on this new page in the near future.

The following presentations have not yet been made available:

• Transnational Threats Impacting Chemical Security,

• Federal Partner Priorities for Addressing Emerging Chemical Threats,

• The Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on Chemical Security, and

• Tactics and Resources for Managing Physical and Cyber Threats

The absence of the ‘transnational threats’ presentation is not surprising. The press was restricted from participating in this presentation because of the sensitive information included. That information is still sensitive.

Interestingly the AI presentation seems to have been included in the ‘Wicked Problems’ presentation that is available today.

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