Thursday, August 29, 2024

Review - TSA Publishes HME Fee Change Notice

Today, the TSA published a notice in the Federal Register (89 FR 70201-70202) on “Hazardous Materials Endorsement (HME) Threat Assessment Program Security Threat Assessment Fees for Non-Agent States”. The notice announces an increase in the assessment fee collected by TSA from Non-Agent States for conducting HME threat assessments.

TSA conducted an assessment of the cost of processing applicant information provided by Non-Agent States and determined that the current fees did not cover the cost of processing of those STA’s. The table below shows the increases set forth in this notice. The fee charged for processing applications from Agent States (taken from the TSA website) is provided for comparison.

Note: The ‘Reduced Fee’ application is for STAs in which the applicant has already completed a comparable STA and does not need to undergo the full standard STA and the applicant is filing in a Non-Agent State. Applicants in an Agent State would pay $41.00 for a reduced fee application.


For more information about the HME fees, including a description of the differences between Agent States and Non-Agent States, see my article at CFSN Detailed Analysis - - subscription required.

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