Friday, August 30, 2024

Review - New CISA Voluntary Cyber Incident Reporting Initiative

Yesterday, CISA announced a new effort targeting efforts to get organizations to voluntarily report cyber incidents. The new website “is designed to help entities that may be considering voluntarily reporting cyber incidents understand “who” CISA recommends report an incident, “why and when” CISA recommends they report, as well as “what and how to report.””


While this is strictly a voluntary incident reporting system, I am reasonably sure that CISA will be using this as a part of their effort to develop the mandatory critical infrastructure reporting system required by Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act of 2022 (CIRCIA). Pushing this voluntary system will allow CISA to work out any bugs in the reporting system before it is rolled out live next year.


For more information about this new initiative, see my article at CFSN Detailed Analysis - - subscription required.

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