Tuesday, March 8, 2022

House Passes S 658 – Cybersecurity Consortium

Yesterday, the House passed S 658, the National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium Act by a mostly bipartisan vote of 403 to 19. All 19 negative votes were from Republicans. The bill was considered under the House suspension of the rules process with limited debate. In this case, there was little discussion of the pros and cons of the bill in the debate.

Since the version of the bill passed yesterday was different than that approved in the Senate. The bill goes back to the Senate for approval of the House language. I suspect that the Senate will accept the changes and send the bill to the President.

As I have noted previously, this bill authorizes programs that DHS already has in place. With no new funding authority provided by the bill, this is simply another example of Congress taking action to look like they are taking action.

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