Wednesday, May 26, 2021

S 1260 Debate Continues – Endless Frontiers Act – 5-25-21

Yesterday the Senate continued their debate of S 1260, the Endless Frontiers Act. Three amendments were adopted by unanimous consent and three were rejected by recorded votes (all failing to achieve the agreed upon 60 votes for passage). None of the amendments yesterday dealt with cybersecurity issues.

Yesterday there were an additional 41 amendments submitted. They included three new cybersecurity related amendments:

• SA 1999 – Sen King (I,VT) – At the appropriate place, insert the following:

Subtitle C—Cyber and Technology Diplomacy Pg S3442

• SA 2005 – Sen Blackburn (R,TN) - At the end of title V of division B, add the following:

SEC. XXX. Study on national laboratory consortium for cyber resilience. Pg S3447

• SA 2013 - Sen Ossoff (D,GA) - At the end of title V of division B, add the following:

SEC. 2528. Enhancing cybersecurity education Pg S 3452

The debate was scheduled to continue today with votes scheduled on three more amendments (none cybersecurity related). Cloture votes for the substitute language and then the amended bill are currently scheduled for Thursday.

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