Saturday, December 19, 2015

New TSA SSI Web Page

Back in August I did a blog post about the disappearance of the old TSA web site covering the Sensitive Security Information program. Every week since then I have been checking the old site URL hoping that the TSA had finally gotten a handicapped friendly version of the site back up. Today I decided, after striking out once again, to go look for the site and I found it.

Unfortunately, the new site is very vanilla with little real information. It does have links to two (here and here) relatively generic .PDF handouts about the program. It does not even have a working link to the section of the Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR 1520) that sets out the standards for the program.

It would be more helpful if it had a user manual outlining the program requirements like the Chemical-terrorism Vulnerability Information (CVI) program or a detailed web site with details about the program like the Protected Critical Infrastructure Information (PCII) program does. I suppose that TSA is relying on the details in the CFR being enough, but if that is the case, they ought to at least provide links to each of the portions of the program in §1520; like this:

Section 1520.1 - Scope.
Section 1520.3 - Terms used in this part.
Section 1520.5 - Sensitive security information.
Section 1520.7 - Covered persons.
Section 1520.9 - Restrictions on the disclosure of SSI.
Section 1520.11 - Persons with a need to know.
Section 1520.13 - Marking SSI.
Section 1520.15 - SSI disclosed by TSA or the Coast Guard.
Section 1520.17 - Consequences of unauthorized disclosure of SSI.
Section 1520.19 - Destruction of SSI.

I do not know how long this ‘new’ site has been operational; the TSA does not date their web pages.

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