Monday, December 21, 2015

HR 4188 Amended and Passed in Senate – CG Authorization

On Friday, in the closing hours of the first session of the 114th Congress, the Senate amended and passed HR 4188, the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2015. There was no debate offered on the substitution of the Thune Amendment (CREC-2015-12-18, pg 8890) for the text of the House passed version of the bill. The bill passed by voice vote (in a nearly empty Senate chamber).

Like the House version of the bill, there are no provisions in the bill that address the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA), chemical safety, or chemical transportation issues.

When the House returns next year, they will have to decide whether they should accept the Senate amendment or request a conference. There appears to be a decent chance that they will just accept the Senate version.

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