Tuesday, August 25, 2020

ISCD Updates 4 FAQ Responses – 8-24-20

Yesterday the CISA Infrastructure Security Compliance Division (ISCD) updated the responses to four frequently asked questions (FAQ) on their Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) Knowledge Center web page. The changes were all relatively minor editorial changes with no change in policy or procedures.

The four revised FAQs are:

NOTE: The links provided above were copied from the CFATS Knowledge Center but may not work when followed from your machine. This is an artifact of that web site. If the links do not take you to the referenced FAQ you will have to use the ‘Advanced Search’ function on the page to link to the FAQ or download the ‘All FAQs’ document at the bottom of the ‘Advanced Search’ page.

The following changes were made in the referenced FAQs:

• #1759 adds reference and link to Federal Register notice on agricultural production facility Top-Screen extension and removes ‘APF’ abbreviation.
• #1760 removes ‘APF’ abbreviation
• #1771 replaces ‘inspector’ in FAQ with ‘Chemical Security Inspector’
• #1777 Adds link to ‘Safeguarding Information Designated as Chemical-terrorism Vulnerability Information (CVI) Revised Procedure Manual’ and removes standalone URL.

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