Saturday, February 25, 2023

Bills Introduced – 2-24-23

Yesterday, with the House meeting in pro forma session, there were 57 bills introduced. Two of those bills may receive additional attention in this blog:

HR 1160 To direct the Secretary of Energy to promulgate regulations to facilitate the timely submission of notifications regarding cybersecurity incidents and potential cybersecurity incidents with respect to critical electric infrastructure, and for other purposes. Walberg, Tim [Rep.-R-MI-5]

HR 1187 To modify the requirements for the registration of certain aircraft, and for other purposes. Lynch, Stephen F. [Rep.-D-MA-8]

I will be covering HR 1160.

I will be watching HR 1187 for language and definition that would specifically apply to unmanned aircraft systems. This could have nothing to do with UAS, but you cannot tell from this description.

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