Tuesday, November 19, 2019

1 Advisory Published – 11-19-19

Today the CISA NCCIC-ICS published a control system security advisory for products from Flexera.

Flexera Advisory

This advisory describes four vulnerabilities in the Flexera FlexNet Publisher software license manager. The vulnerabilities were reported by Sergey Temnikov of Kaspersky. Flexera has a new version that mitigates the vulnerability. There is no indication that Temnikov has been provided an opportunity to verify the efficacy of the fix.

The four reported vulnerabilities are:

• Improper input validation (3) - CVE-2018-20031, CVE-2018-20032 and CVE-2018-20034; and
• Memory corruption - CVE-2018-20033

NCCIC-ICS reports that a relatively low-skilled attacker could remotely exploit the vulnerability to allow an attacker to deny the acquisition of a valid license for legal use of the product. The memory corruption vulnerability could allow remote code execution.

Previously Reported

These same four CVE#s were reported by Schneider in their Floating License Manager back in May 14th, 2019 followed by an NCCIC-ICS advisory on July 11th, 2019. NIST reported the CVE#s as being in the FlexNet Publisher on March 25th, 2019 with the following link to the Flexera advisory (registration required).

The FlexNet Publisher is fairly obviously being used by Schneider. We have seen this sort of vulnerability pairing between the two products on multiple occasions. I suspect that other vendors are also using FlexNet Publisher in their products. Should we be seeing more vulnerabilities on these 4 CVE’s? Apparently only if other researchers like Temnikov check other license managers to see if they can see the same problem.

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