Thursday, October 27, 2011

CFATS Knowledge Center Update

Yesterday the folks at ISCD added an interesting note in the ‘Latest News’ section of the CFATS Knowledge Center web page. It noted that they had removed eight frequently asked questions (FAQ) and replaced them with Article 1668; “CSAT User Account Passwords”. The eight FAQ dealt with CSAT password issues but Article 1668 provided the same (or more up-to-date) information in a single location.

Actually, this seems to be just a tad bit of FAQ housecleaning. Search for Article 1668 (type ‘1668’ into the search box at the top of the CFATS Knowledge Center page) and you get a link to an article that was last updated on July 13th, 2010. So there is no new information involved here; it is just an attempt to make it easier to access the information. That is always a good thing.

It would have been nice if they had listed the deleted FAQs, people like me like to keep track of these things. Realistically though, unless you had previously printed out the large .PDF file of all of the FAQs, you would never see the deleted FAQs. If you did, just throw it away and download a new one today. You still won’t know which ones aren’t there, but that isn’t really important.

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