Monday, February 28, 2022

Committee Hearings – Week of 2-27-22

This week with both the House and Senate returning to Washington, there is a pretty routine number of Committee hearings currently scheduled. They include a hearing on DOE related bills in the Senate and a markup hearing in the House that includes cybersecurity measures.

DOE Hearing

Tomorrow, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will conduct a hearing on pending legislation. They list seven DOE related bills that about which they will receive testimony. The witness list is currently limited to Geraldine Richmond, DOE. One of the bills touches on responsibilities for cybersecurity incident response at DOE, S 2302.

Cybersecurity Markup

On Wednesday, the House Homeland Security Committee will hold a markup hearing looking at 12 pieces of legislation. There are three bills that may be of interest here, two were introduced last Friday and one will be introduced this week, probably today.

HR 6824, “President’s Cup Cybersecurity Competition Act” [PDF]

HR 6825, "Nonprofit Security Grant Program Improvement Act of 2022" [PDF]

HR____, "Cybersecurity Grants for Schools Act of 2022" [PDF]

I have not yet had a chance to do a detailed review of any of these bills since they have not been published by the GPO. I will be looking at the Committee drafts (links provided above) for the bills before Wednesday.

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