Thursday, January 13, 2022

Review - NIST Announces Formation of IoTAB

Today, the National Institute of Standards and Technology published a notice in the Federal Register (87 FR 2138-2139) announcing the “Establishment and call for nominations to serve on the Internet  of Things Advisory Board.” The Advisory Board is established under the requirements of §9204(b)(5) of the FY 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (PL 116-283).

Those members would include representatives from:

• Information and communications technology manufacturers, suppliers, service providers, and vendors,

• Subject matter experts representing industrial sectors other than the technology sector that can benefit from the Internet of Things, including the transportation, energy, agriculture, and health care sectors,

• Small, medium, and large businesses,

• Think tanks and academia,

• Nonprofit organizations and consumer groups,

• Security experts, and

• Rural stakeholders.

The IoTAB will consist of 16 members appointed by the Secretary with the Chair be selected from that number by the Secretary. According to the Notice, Board Members will serve a two-year term unless the Board terminates earlier. Board Members will not be paid, though travel and per diem may be provided.

The Board will meet at least twice a year in a virtual format. Those meetings will be open to the public.

NIST is soliciting nominations for the initial 16 positions on the Board and will be accepting 2nd party nominations and self-nominations. Nominations, including resume, may be sent to Alicia Chambers, the Committee Liaison Officer by email ( Nominations should be submitted by February 25th, 2022.

For more details about the IoTAB and the background for the groups formation, see my article at CFSN Detailed Analysis - - subscription required.

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