Friday, July 15, 2016

Bills Introduced – 07-14-16

On their last day in Washington for the next seven weeks the House and Senate introduced 236 bills. Of those five may be of specific interest to readers of this blog:

HR 5786 To amend title 49, United States Code, to provide for a rail spill preparedness fund, and for other purposes. Rep. DeFazio, Peter A. [D-OR-4]

HR 5843 To establish a grant program at the Department of Homeland Security to promote cooperative research and development between the United States and Israel on cybersecurity. Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2]

HR 5859 To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to establish the major metropolitan area counterterrorism training and exercise grant program, and for other purposes. Rep. McCaul, Michael T. [R-TX-10]

HR 5877 To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 and the United States-Israel Strategic Partnership Act of 2014 to promote cooperative homeland security research and antiterrorism programs relating to cybersecurity, and for other purposes. Rep. Ratcliffe, John [R-TX-4]

HR 5900 To require compliant flame mitigation devices to be used on portable fuel containers for flammable liquids, and for other purposes. Rep. Thompson, Mike [D-CA-5]

Generally speaking these bills have little chance of being considered before this Congress disbands at the end of the year. For the most part these bills were introduced to provide the various congresscritters with bragging points in their campaigns. Still, I’ll be looking at each of these bills when they become available for review; there may be some interesting provisions.

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