Wednesday, April 6, 2022

HR 7077 Amended and Adopted in Science Committee – Fire Investigations

Yesterday, the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee held a markup hearing that considered five bills, including HR 7077, the Empowering the U.S. Fire Administration Act. An amendment was offered by Rep Lofgren (D,CA). The amendment, and then the amended bill, were adopted by voice vote.

The amendment ads the words “and cooperation” to the new §38(b)(1), requiring the USFA to coordinate and cooperate with Federal, State, and local authorities in the conduct of the investigations authorized by the new section.

As soon as the Committee publishes their report on the bill, the House will be cleared to consider the bill. The bill will almost certainly be considered under the suspension of the rules process. If considered, it will pass with substantial bipartisan support.

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